
Have Any Question on mind

To make a investment you must first become a member of maizap.com. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password that you received when you signup.

You can change your password directly from your members area by editing it in your personal profile. Log in to your maizap.com account and click on the "Account Information". If you forget to put your wallet address when you first sign up on site, you can change your wallet directly from your members area too (same like password). If you simply want to change your existing wallet address, please contact our support through ticket. Please explain why do you want to change it. The whole process will take maximum 5 days.

Yes You Can Create Multiple Account.

These funds are managed by a team of maizap.com investment experts.

you can register an online cryptocurrency wallet that supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, DASH, Ripple, Tron, Binance Coin, BNB, Tether USDT ERC20, Tether USDT TRC20, Tether USDT BEP20,Nix Money, Betty.cash, Epaycore, Skrill.

We are work 7 days a Week. Profit accrues in accordance with the selected investment plan every Calendar Day, and you can withdraw your profit 7 days a week (including weekends and public holidays).

Your account will be updated as fast, as you deposit. Please make sure you always log out and log back in to your account after you make investment.

It depends on the investment plan you choose. We offer plans with various duration, from 1 to 50 days. Profit including your principal deposit amount will not be credited to your available balance at the end of investment period. Check "Deposit" page to learn more details about current investment plans.

Of course. You can have many investments at the same time since all transactions are handled separately.

Login to your account using your username and password and check the Withdraw section.

All withdrawal requests are processed manually within 24 hours. though normally as soon as possible.

No, Brit Euro Trade Profit Limited doesn’t charge any withdrawal fees.

No, maizap.com doesn’t provide e-currency exchange services. You can receive only the same currency that you have used to create a deposit.

No. Our users have to make an initial deposit in order to participate in the Referral Program.

You will only be able to withdraw your referral bonus in the same payment system that your affiliate used to make this deposit.

Use Support Service page to contact us for any questions you may have. Do not duplicate your question on our social networks, please use only one way for reaching us

It's quite easy and convenient. Follow this link, fill in the registration form and then press "Register".

No, What if I can't log into my account because I forgot my password? Click forgot password link, type your username or e-mail and you'll receive your account information.

There is a risk involved with investing in all high yield investment programs. However, there are a few simple ways that can help you to reduce the risk of losing more than you can afford to. First, align your investments with your financial goals, in other words, keep the money you may need for the short-term out of more aggressive investments, reserving those investment funds for the money you intend to raise over the long-term. It's very important for you to know that we are real traders and that we invest members' funds on major investments.

We accept Perfect money USD, Epaycore, Berty Cash,Nix Money, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, DASH, Ripple, Tron, Binance Coin, BNB, Tether USDT ERC20, Tether USDT TRC20, Tether USDT BEP20.

The minimum amount to create the deposit is $1 only. The maximum amount that you will be able to invest in the project is $50000.

No, but our users are allowed to reinvest their daily profit an unlimited number of times.

No, profits are gathered on your maizap.com account and you can withdraw them anytime.

Yes! To make a deposit from your Brit Euro Trade Profit Limited account balance simply login to your account, click Make Deposit and select "Deposit from Account Balance" option.


It is $1 for Epaycore,BertyCash,Nix Money, $5 for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, DASH, Ripple, Tron, Binance Coin, BNB, Tether USDT ERC20, Tether USDT TRC20, Tether USDT BEP20.

You can access the account information 24 hours, seven days a week over the Internet.

maizap.com has a 5% Referral Bonus.

Yes, when you make a deposit from your account balance, the referral bonus is paid to your upline in full.

If you use email to contact us, we work around the clock. If you decide to contact us via online chat - support will be available 24/7, with breaks of 8 hours a day.

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